Get up to $500 help with education costs for you or your family.
Fair Wealth Australia members can access grants to assist in funding education for their children or themselves. When opportunity arises, they can turn to us.
We have a long history of supporting working Australians in education. We feel it’s important to support our members, to both pursue their own education goals and support the next generation for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
Fair Wealth Australia provides the gift of education to member families.​
We believe that all children should be given the chance to learn and grow in the right environment and funding initiatives to support this can help ensure that the future shines a little brighter for the next generation.
Each year Fair Wealth Australia provides a number of grants to families in the aim that children have access to better technology, teaching and education so that they can grow without the financial strain holding them back.
Our gift to the younger community as the gift of education can live on forever. So if you're a member of Fair Wealth Australia, and you have an opportunity to further your education, or that of your children, then talk to us or complete a Grant Application Form . Because when opportunity arises, you can turn to us.
Here's another way we helped a Fair Wealth Australia member when they were let down by others...
Peter was an A-grade student as well as a sportsman who represented his state New South Wales. However he also had a passion for music. His parents were members of Fair Wealth Australia. So they applied for an Education Grant and were delighted to receive enough money to subsidise the purchase of a saxophone that he played in the school band.